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LPM leader urges local authority councilors to put people's interest first - NBC
LPM urges Windhoek city council to acquire land for redistribution among ethnic groups - nbc
LPM withdraws Mayor Maree Smit from Keetmanshoop Town Council- NBC
LPM-dominated Keetmanshoop municipality vows to end corruption - nbc
LPM rejects Easter Isaak's resignation- NBC
Leader of LPM Youth League, Duminga Ndala wants young people to take part in activism - nbc
Local authorities urged to put in place measures to control, prevent irresponsible dumping of refuse
LPM dismayed at infrastructure vandalism at Swakopmund's informal settlements- nbc
LPM takes Koës and Stampriet in election re-run
LPM leader accuses National Assembly Speaker of being personal when applying rules - NBC
LPM celebrates 3rd anniversary- NBC
LPM MP Henny Seibeb tables motion for NamWater to forgo debts of local authorities - nbc